Poecilotheria regalis is one of the most popular arboreal tarantulas. Their legspan sometimes exceeds 7 inches (18 cm).
The name Poecilotheria is derived from Greek "poikilos" - spotted and "therion" - wild beast. Regalis refers to "royal". This whole genus of arboreal tarantulas exhibits an intricate fractal-like pattern on the abdomen. The spider's natural habitat is primarily Southeastern India. The common name for this spider is Indian Ornamental Tree Spider, or simply Indian Ornamental.
The P. regalis' behavior parallels that of many arboreal spiders. In the wild the P. regalis live in holes of tall trees where they make asymmetric funnel webs. Their primary prey consists of various flying insects, which they seize in flight and paralyze. It is not unknown for the spiders of this genus to live communally when territory, i.e. number of holes per tree, is limited. They tend defensive spiders.
Although there never been a recorded death from any tarantula bite this species is considered to have a medically significant bite, with venom that may cause intense pain, judging from the experience of keepers bitten by other spiders from this genus.[1][2][3][4] They move rapidly and, although they generally prefer flight to fight, may attack when cornered.